What to bring to your tax appointment
Not sure what you will need for your upcoming appointment? Listed below are documents that you could possibly receive, as well as documents you may need to obtain for your taxes. Not everyone will receive the same documents for taxes, just be on the lookout for the ones pertaining to you.
Please bring your last tax return to your appointment
Tax Documents
Proof of identification (photo ID) for taxpayer and spouse if applicable.
Social Security numbers of everyone listed on the tax return. Many taxpayers have these numbers memorized. Still, it's a good idea to have them on hand to double check that the numbers on the tax return are correct to avoid processing delays.
Banking Info
Bank account and routing numbers. You will need these for direct deposit refunds. Direct deposit is the fastest way to get your refund and avoids a check getting lost, stolen or returned to IRS as undeliverable. If you don't have a bank account, we have other options available.
Forms W-2 from employer(s).
Forms 1099 from banks, issuing agencies and other payers including unemployment compensation, distributions from a pension, annuity or retirement plan.
Forms 1099-DIV or 1099-INT for dividends or interest you received.
Forms 1099-NEC, 1099-K, 1099-MISC, or other income statement for workers in the gig economy.
Rental property income or Farm income
Forms W-2G (gambling), 1099-C (cancellation of debt) 1099-S (sale of property or assets), or anything else that says 1099 on it, bring it!
Other income documents and records of virtual currency transactions. Trade statements
1098-E tax-deductible student loan interest payments over $600. (You can deduct up to $2,500 worth of student loan interest.) If you paid less than $600, you may not receive a 1098-E.
Tax deduction documents, such as mortgage interest, property taxes, charitable contributions, medical expenses.
Daycare expenses, a statement from the care provider for amount paid for the year that includes the business tax ID and address.
Records of all expenses for self-employed or contract labor.
Rental Property expenses.
Farm expenses.
Business-use asset information and office in home information, if applicable.
If you plan to take advantage of tax credits, you’ll want to have the documents that ensure you qualify.
1098-T educational tax credit for American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning credits. It reports payments received for qualified tuition and related education expenses that you may have paid last year.
CTC (child tax credit) documents proving your eligibility to claim the child or other dependent on the tax return. This could be birth certificates, healthcare provider statement, school records, social security records, or legal documents.
Residential Energy Credit documentation from the installation of solar panels or other qualifying energy efficient equipment.
Clean Vehicle Credit requires the vehicle identification (VIN) number and seller report to qualify for the credit.
5498 and 1099-SA for contributions above the employer sponsored health savings account and distributions from qualifying accounts.
Health Insurance
Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace Statement. You will need this form to reconcile advance payments or claim the premium tax credit.
Documentation on retirement plan contributions that are tax-deductible.
If you contributed to a 529 plan and your state offers a tax benefit, you’ll want to keep that information on hand for your state, but not federal, taxes.
Charitable donation receipts for contributions you made during the year.
Miscellaneous Documents
If you have received a document and you are not certain that it is tax related, just bring it along.